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Platform provide support to over 1,000 vulnerable young people aged 12-25 years. Wraparound services include crisis accommodation, rapid rehousing, assertive outreach, transition support to long term rental, education and employment support, money management, counselling, case management, leaving care and bail assistance.


Education First philosophy is education = employment = housing which will break the cycle of disadvantage. Education First provides quality support and housing to vulnerable young people who may be struggling to complete tertiary education. Education First provides wraparound supports to support young people complete their education including: supported housing, education, employment, development of self agency, health and wellbeing, community and social connection, civic participation, housing and living skills.

Case managers work closely with youth on site to support them to identify and realise their goals, create harmonious shared living community and engage in education, employment and social and community activities.


Funding from Waratah will enable six young people to participate in the Education First program

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